
Friday, February 22, 2013


High School Life

Looking backwards to a long past time when I was in primary school, I was just a very good gambling boy, being good at nearly all types of child gambling during that time and being the top three slow learning students. Because of that bad habits, I spent two years in grade one, which was quite ashamed of other classmates, who passed to the next grade while the top three slow learners just probably liked their teacher so that is why they did not want to get to the next steps. It looks silly, but memorable not to have that bad experience again.
Starting from primary school, an update of gambling habits was also stepped up from gambling for children to a teen gambling, but that time I was not in the top three slow learners again but in the middle level one.  Since then, my result level was just in the middle no increasing or progressing to be seen or noticed, and I started to be addicted to playing football with other friends. Because of liking playing it, I sometimes spent my weekend doing cycling to Takmao district, Kandal province to play football there with villagers and my friends and then returned home in evening.
Grade 11 photo
A tremendous change began in high school, especially the last year, which was the most important one for my twelve-year study, and it was a must-to-be-passed year as though a twelve-year time would be useless. Having already been almost late to start learning as the last eleven years was not seen as a good or acceptable foundation, I had to enforce myself to add up more hours for self-learning at home and practice more exercises for all important subjects, namely that, Biology, Mathematic, Physics, and Chemistry. As having no background or basic from the last eleven years, it was quite hard to catch up with other students, so I felt that I should have already focused on learning for that missing times. Anyhow, I could not turn back to that time, having to admit about the fact of my past and start to improve it day-by-day. The most meaningful time in my life is the time that I was in the last year of my high school life, taught me to understand about the meaning of struggling life and the hardship of my parents.
Play-station Game
I just thought I was a bit late and had no confidence at all to have passed that degree from my high school, yet it was incredible that I made it with a great result I never believed that it was. Most of my friends never believed that It would be possible for them to have heard this result as we really knew that we hoped to just pass it without any expectation to get a better result, but it paid off and my result was even higher than my friends'.
As of now, I truly believe that having high self-awareness  in mind is the best choice of self-improvement as we would be able to be seen that we are curious to learning and enlarging our scope. The world is just a playground where failure and success are to be faced, so we all cannot just avoid it, yet have to admit it and change to the right direction. The outcome will be fruitfully seen.  

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