
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Four principles of success from Sithathak Buddha!

Sithathak Buddha

It was a great time for me when I was a student in Business School of PSE Institute, learning invaluable lessons from a wise and ideal guy, Sithathak Buddha, whose ideas and beliefs were shared and respected throughout the world. Truly believed in his findings and legacy – the truth of life, mercy of human-being, and the world of calmness, I really single out that his way and knowledge are worth to be followed and to be spread to others. It is not just about the religious belief, but about the fact of human life.
Finding those four principles of success from a good source of internet , I always keep that in mind, change the way I thought, and operate it in every single job I do. As it turns out, it pays off for my life that I never think I could be the one I am today.  Given this time, I would share this to those of you who like to read and learn something new and exceptional, and those four principles, mentioned by Sithathak Buddha,  are depicted in below detail from Bali Sangsekrit (Khmer ancient characters) to English explanation (1) Chanda: Having heart of zeal (great energy or enthusiasm), (2) Viriya: Doing with effort, (3) Citta: Committing oneself to the task, and (4) Vimansa: Using wise investigation.  
(1) Chanda: Having heart of zeal (great energy or enthusiasm): The first thing of our achievement solely depends on the power of our love – it does not mean for lover, but really means for our task or everything we do – to make all our jobs visible and successful. Therefore, without loving or enthusing what we do, we cannot even step forwards to reaching out the final results we expect.  We can't just force someone to do thing they don't even feel about it, yet providing that it happens, the result will not just be right.
4 principles of Buddha
(2) Viriya: Doing with effort: Once we find out what we like or enthuse with, there is already 50% of success we can believe in it will surely happen; however, it is not enough to just like without effort, which is the best catalyst ever for all successful persons in the world – Steve Jobs, who changes the world of technology; Isaac Newton, who shares the world of physics; Mahatma Gundhi, who inspires the world with wise ideas; Thomas Edison, who is the pioneer of light; and the like – who do exactly the same by effort and struggling.  
(3) Citta: Committing oneself to the task: Even though we have effort, we will not be able to reach our goals or achieve something we do hope for as sometimes we face difficulties that we need to challenge it while our effort will be incidentally harmed, so with committing, one could still keep focused, going, attentive, and curious to defeat with those challenging situations.
Mahatma Gundhi
(4) Vimansa: Using wise investigation: Having a strong bond that is connected with above three mentioned principles, Vimansa is the last and wise principle that can enhance us to be even more productive and developing.  Provided that we could use it usefully and correctly, it is quite helpful for us to check our past time and performance to see how fast or slow we progress from time to time. Thanks to those four principles, I could sharpen my saw, broaden my horizon, strengthen myself not to give up, and keep going although I have to face challenging situations, and I personally and truly believe that it works out fine providing that we follow it tightly and strictly.  


  1. This is a time in my life when I need to take lessons from my student. Can you teach me more and more, wise Sokphan under the guidance of wise Buddha?

  2. If you at this, I just follow the fact about his steps. There is no secret here, and we all can do the same. It just depends on how willing we are to practice it.

