Opportunity Match |
people always wonder how could they become clever, strong, motivated in life,
and especially successful in everything they do, yet it is not an easy-to-think
answer and is a debatable question, which require us to deem deeply about this.
Generally mentioning from different point of view of successful persons, there
is no actual definition of success, but we could draw that it is a combination
of our efforts with opportunities of which we can and have to make it a reality.
It is hardly to believe in wording without seeing any actual evidence.
Visit at Shanghai Science & Technology Museum |
read it several times and still felt like to read and think about it again and
again, I just like the quote from one fact guy man named, Disraeli, who I
always keep in mind and practice all what he has said "the secret of
success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it
comes. But most of the time, we always wait for the right time before
they begin. But the right time never comes! It's because opportunity has
always been with us. But we are not ready for it." As we could
see so far with his words, the whole meaning is to let us discover ourselves to
seek for what is the best inside us and what is not.
I was in the class with Mr. Anthony Tige, my professor for the principle
management class in year 2 and also for entrepreneurship course in year 4, the
last year of my study, I found another theory from his principle of management
class, saying that opportunity is a match between our strengths, capability,
and or ability with the environment. When I take it to consider in our life, it
could be one of the best answer to reveal the meaning of success while we can
also still apply it in our day-to-day basis for our future development.
Drawing (We have to draw our life.) |
Disraeli's meaning, it tells us that everything could not be done for us, but
are to be done by us with our own persistency and willingness as there is
no-one being happy to help us every single time as if we do not really want to even
help ourselves. Understanding well about this meaning, I start to draw an
imaginary vision in my brain and remind myself to try to make that image a
reality. Since then, I learn to understand the advantage of the environment in
which we live to make use of it and align it with my competency to catch up a
good opportunity. As a result and because of my efforts, I got a golden
opportunity to get involved in Henkel in Shanghai, China, for an internship for
a six-month basic.
is no good turnover for those who are not even care about themselves and those
who don't put any efforts to the task they do. All species in this planet are
entitled to having the same 24 hours per day, 30 days per months, and 12 months
per year, so there is no bias on this yet everyone makes different outcomes and
satisfactions. Thus, there will be an unequal world for those who belittle
you are really becoming a philosopher now, on top of all the rest, as if it was not enough... I really like this post, especially let us reflect on what we decide to do of our time and how we can make it meaningful and fruitful rather than just wait for it to go past us
ReplyDeletehas ha...but I think we both are now philosophers as your last sentences are really like those who are really experienced-in-life persons.