
Monday, August 12, 2013

A young man started his career!

A visit at Samrong Andet Pagoda

After a long adventure in another country for a few months and being apart from friends, teachers, and family, a young man was free at home for one month and seemingly seen as a jobless man by many persons living nearby and some students in the same school. Due to a load of things that were going on in school for the thesis and report presentation for my graduation and a big and famous holiday in Cambodia, “Khmer New Year”, I still had to work hard to prepare myself for the final presentation for teachers as well as students for knowledge and ideas sharing of my internship. April, the month that I came back, was just nothing to do besides finalizing all above-mentioned tasks that were must-do and prioritized jobs and getting a big and long holiday.
Village Visit at Kmnounh Community
Since then, I started to check the possibilities that were given before I came back; a few choices were seemingly interested and likely to be chosen for my future career. As it turns out, I started to work within my school in a newly-born department “Research and Development” which is the last and final decision I have made and decided not to work outside. Working as an assistant social business developer to assist my director in social business creation, I feel totally impressed to be part of this department to help survey on social business in Cambodia, which was done on the mid of July. I really learned quite a lot from this job about business, especially social business which is quite difficult to give definition in Cambodia legally speaking. However, after getting the final finding of survey of social business with the participations of many social entrepreneurs from various types of businesses, we found a reasonable definition, being able to start working on our next steps of helping create social business to help the poor.
Birthday of FLIP team
Since the main goal of young man’s life is to be an entrepreneur, he starts his career on helping his director to create social business to help the poor who have marginalized and vulnerable children, having no access to give schooling chances to their children. His first job seems relevant to what he plans for next step of his intensive goal while, at the meantime, he could contribute his time to help the poor to get better living standard – though it is not perfect yet. However, starting the first career in the same school that he has been with for the last four years is seemingly criticized by most of his generation as well as some teachers since they all feel doubt about the reason why he started his first career here. Only a few have positive aspect of his presence working for his school.
Happy Solidarity Buffet at PSE
It is debatable for the reason of being here. Knowing that this aspect will not serve him well for his passion, sound judgment, and intensive goals, he just stays focused on what he is doing, never deviating from his initial goal that could change his direction from achieving his dream. On the contrary, he merely gives himself courageous dream to follow his heart, making fruitful use of his work as a stepping-stone to reach what he dreams his life to be. With that in mind, he always tells himself not to tend to something else that downplays his belief; however, he is always open to constructive feedback or critical ideas that could help him to go beyond his power and scope so as to reach his goal. It does not mean that you are able to develop yourself should you follow someone’s dream, not yours. The power to do more and produce more to follow your heart is what matters. Always look backward to see where you are and compare it to what you wish to look forward. Define something that you found from your comparison and make changes to what could bring you fruitful results.
